Fysioterapeuter som har gennemgået del 1 og 2 med kursusbevis samt evt. også del 3 med kursusbevis.
Exercise following breast cancer surgery
This exercise program has been sold over 50,000 copies in Scandinavia at the cost of production, 7 Euro. It has now been translated into English, French and Swedish. I put the translation on the internet hoping that more people can benefit.
If the exercises are useful to you, and if you want to subsidize a further spread, you can pay your help on the following bank account:
DK 383 000 31 5555 2476.
Transfer Publication as pdf file (3 MB).
Kirsten Tørsleff, Havbogade 52, DK 6400 Sønderborg • +45 74 41 57 14 • mob:+45 61 91 89 01 • Skriv til mig • www.kirstentoersleff.dk